Sermon : Comfort my people, given by Revd Sue McCoan at St. Andrew’s Ealing, 6th December Isaiah 40:1-11 Mark 1:1-8 A week or two ago, we were out walking the dog when we saw one of these lying on top of a gate. I don’t actually know what these are called, so it’s good we […]
System Restore
Reflection given by Revd Maggie Hindley Sunday 29th November 2020 A friend far away who is coming, traumatically, out of a traumatically abusive marriage, messaged me this week: One day, if I get there, I might be able to go right back to the beginning! That’s what’s needed to understand where I am today. Even […]
Reflection: Using our gifts
Given to St. Andrew’s Ealing and Wembley Park URC by Revd Sue McCoan, Sunday 15th November 2020 Bible readings: Matt 25:14-30, Judges 4:1-7 The parable of the talents is a familiar story to many of us. The two servants who make the most of their talents are rewarded; the one who hides his talent is […]
Sermon given by Revd. Sue McCoan on Remembrance Sunday 2020 Bible reading: Psalm 46 I trained for ministry at Westminster College, Cambridge. One morning, I was cycling back from a lecture at Ridley Hall into the centre of Cambridge, one of a stream of bicycles, when all of a sudden the bike in front of […]
1st November
Sermon Bible reading: Matt 23:1-12 A certain town had a taxi-driver, who was regarded by all as a menace on the road. He drove too fast, and without any care – but since his was the only taxi, everybody used his car. One day, though, his luck ran out. Driving home from his last passenger, […]
Reflection 19th July
Reflection I mentioned earlier that, for the next 2 Sundays, our zoom services will be in the evening at 6pm, and then on 9th August we meet again online in the morning. But some of you will be going back to your own churches, as they reopen for worship; some who have been regular participants […]
Reflection 12th July
Reflection: ‘Good soil’ by Revd Sue McCoan Our bible reading this morning is a very familiar story. As we often do these days, we will hear it in two parts; and we will hear the first part now, before we start reflecting. Bible reading: Matt 13: 1-9 Jesus told parables, teaching stories, set in everyday […]
Reflection 5th July
Reflection 5th July by Revd Sue McCoan Yesterday was hailed as Liberation Day – or, in some of the papers, Super Saturday. After 100 days of lockdown, the pubs are open again! Hurrah! Also hairdressers and hotels and other businesses and, somewhere in the small print near the end of the article, places of worship. […]
Reflection 28th June
Hymn: Let us build a house where love can dwell © Marty Haugen 1994 Reflection by Revd Sue McCoan No prizes for guessing, from the hymn, that the theme for today is ‘welcome’ – the way we are made welcome, and the way we welcome others. It might seem like tactless timing, given that […]
Reflection 21st June
Reflection by Revd Sue McCoan Last week, we looked at Jesus sending out his twelve disciples to bring good news to the people around them. Our readings this week are from later on in that same briefing. In between the two readings, Jesus has told them not to take luggage, and just before the verses […]