- Affirmation and promises: Rev Sue McCoan and Rev Dr Andrew Prasad
- Induction Service
- Moderator’s Greeting: Revd Dr Andrew Prasad
- Call to worship: Revd Elizabeth Thomson
- ‘Living God, your joyful Spirit’
- ‘Living God, your joyful Spirit’
- Sermon: Rev Roy Lowes, Past Moderator West Midlands
- Statement by the minister-elect: Rev Sue McCoan
- Narrative of the Call: Church Secretaries Winnie Soutter and Barbara Henderson
- Statement of the Nature, Faith and Order of the URC: Anne Byfield
- Affirmation by the Area and Synod
- ‘Will you come and follow me’
- ‘This do in remembrance of me’
- Organist: Andrew Terrill
- Wembley Park URC
- Just an observer
- Fellowship
- Tea!
- Fellowship
- Fellowship