"a truly international and open community of people in the Reformed tradition of Christianity, who seek to serve and worship God"
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10.30am Morning Service
Communion 1st Sunday of the month
15.00pm Ghanaian language service
4th Sunday of the month
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Coffee after church every Sunday
Traidcraft stall every 4th Sunday
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Revd Sue McCoan
020 8997 4585
or 07407 177224
Revd Sue McCoan (email)
Church Centre for all hiring enquiries
Tel No 020 8566 9642
Church Centre (email)
Discussion group meets Mondays 1.30pm in the Banbury Chapel. See ‘What’s On’
Wool’n Yarn Knitters
2nd & 4th Tuesdays 2.00- 3.30pm
All are welcome to join or drop in!