Christians Together in Central Ealing (CTCE) have been given a slot to sing Christmas carols in the Ealing Broadway shopping centre on Saturday 14th December at 4pm. We did this in the past and it was much appreciated by shoppers and traders. Last year, we were not able to find a suitable time, so it […]
Remembrance Sunday
Bible readings: John 15:1-17; Micah 4:3-5 Prayer for the week In remembrance of those Throughout time, all over the world, Who have died in war, We pray urgently today that children, women and men may become makers of peace. Amen ACT OF REMEMBRANCE ‘They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old. […]
Newman Circle
Ealing Newman Circle 2019/2020 Programme ‘COMMUNICATING BELIEF IN TODAY’S SOCIETY’ Our new series of talks will examine the current opportunities and challenges for religious catechesis in seeking to identify the language of modern thought which best responds to the needs of different age groups in our community. September 26th: ‘Philosophical, psychological and educational perspectives on the […]
Macmillan coffee morning 27 September
10am Friday 27th September in the reception area
Holy Habits Day, Saturday 22nd June
Holy Habits grew out of a study of Acts 2:42-47 by Methodist minister Andrew Roberts. He identified ten habitual practices of the early church that could help develop and enrich our discipleship today. From his study, the URC and Methodist churches have developed resources for churches wishing to pursue ‘a Spirit-filled life of discipleship that […]
Celtic Spirituality – discussion group
Discussion Group – ‘Wind of the Spirit’ Our Discussion Group is running again from Monday 20th May to Monday 1st July (no meeting on Mon 27th May). The material is ‘Wind of the Spirit’ by John Birch, based on Celtic spirituality. As with his Bible studies, which we have used before, John Birch offers plenty […]
Holy Habits Sat 22nd June
SWAG ‘Holy Habits’ Day Saturday 22nd June This is a day for all the churches in the South West Area (SWAG) to get together, share food, and encourage each other in our discipleship. The event will be held at Holy Trinity URC, Medway Drive, Perivale UB6 8LN More details will follow, but get the date in your […]
St Andrew’s Church Away Day, Sat 7th September
What are we thankful for? How is God working among us? Where is God leading us next? A day to celebrate and strengthen our church fellowship, in the lovely surroundings of the Niland Conference Centre in Bushey Heath. The more of us who can be there, the richer the day will be for all, so […]
Unity Service 20th Jan
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2019 Sunday 20th January at 6.30pm St Peter’s Church, 56 Mount Park Road, W5 2RU Unity Service, followed by refreshments
Newman Circle talks 2018/19
‘CHRISTIAN DISCIPLESHIP TODAY’ Last year’s programme of talks on the Reformation attracted a consistently positive response from a wide range of faith backgrounds and resulted in numerous requests for an ecumenical follow-on series. In response, we have put together a number of talks which aim to examine some of the practical ways in which Christians […]