Reflection by Revd. Sue McCoan If you’ve been watching anything on commercial TV lately, and you’ve seen the adverts, you will almost certainly have seen the one inviting people to pick this year’s crops. For umpteen years now, most of the soft fruit and summer vegetables in this country have been picked by seasonal workers, […]
Reflection Trinity Sunday
Reflection by Revd Dr Elizabeth Welch I can remember speaking at an ecumenical conference some years ago and mentioning the Trinity. During the question time a Methodist minister commented ‘oh that’s the Sunday Methodist ministers have off and the service is left to the lay preachers.’ Well I was pretty impressed that Methodist lay preachers […]
Reflection: Pentecost
Reflection by Revd Sue McCoan ‘When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place’. Familiar words, that start our bible reading for today, Pentecost Sunday. We’ll hear the reading shortly. But in preparation for that, I’d like to reflect on what Pentecost meant before it became known to us as […]
Reflection 24th May
Reflection by Revd Sue McCoan Last week, we reflected on freedom, partly because we were feeling the lack of it. This week I am reflecting on ‘Glory’, and after 2 months without a hairdresser I’m a bit short on that too. When I think of glory, it goes with splendour and majesty – pictures of […]
Reflection 17th May: freedom
Reflection given by Revd Sue McCoan I’m sure we’ve all been aware, over the last couple of months, of our loss of freedom. Last weekend, in anticipation of the government reviewing the lockdown on Sunday, there were headlines in the papers like ‘Freedom Monday!’ Yesterday, there were people gathering to protest against lockdown, demanding freedom […]
Reflection 10th May
Reflection by Revd Sue McCoan I wonder if you remember the TV sitcom ‘Are you being served?’, set in a department store. If so, you will remember Mr Humphries, played by John Inman, the sales assistant in gents’ clothing who was outrageously camp. Mr Humphries could always raise a laugh, when a customer asked how […]
Reflection 3rd May
Reflection by Revd Sue McCoan This week, we leave the Easter story. For the next few weeks, up to Pentecost, we’ll be looking at some of the things Jesus said about himself, and about his followers. Today, we have Jesus using the image of sheep and shepherds. There are a lot of shepherds in the […]
Reflection 26th April
Reflection April 26th We are a month into the lockdown now. We are over the initial shock, the sudden change of the way we live, shop, work and worship. It’s been tiring enough just keeping up. But now we have time to adjust, to look around, to draw breath. We hear encouraging news, that we […]
Reflection 19th April
Sunday 19th April – Reflection by Revd Sue McCoan Here we are, a week after Easter. I hope you managed to find some joy and celebration despite the strange times. In our bible reading, though, we are back on Easter Sunday. It’s evening, and the disciples of Jesus are in lockdown for their own safety. […]
Easter Day reflection
Easter Sunday Reflection Today is the day of resurrection. But to help us think about Easter and what it means, I’d like to take us back a little earlier, to the day before Easter Day. Holy Saturday. What happened on Holy Saturday? Nothing. Jesus died on a Friday. We know that because all the gospels […]