Each church service incorporates ‘An introduction to the theme’ which is used to introduce the bible readings for the service to the younger members of the church.
Parents are encouraged to take babies out at the same time as Junior Church leaves for their classes.
Children ranging in age from 4/5 years to 14/15 years, leave the main service following the offertory and prayers, to go to their classes in Junior Church to continue their work on the theme from the bible reading.
Becoming a member within St Andrew’s is a very important step for nurturing the faith of the young people in the Church. It is a step which is encouraged and not forced upon. It is seen as a celebration of a young individual coming of age and making the decision to become a member of the Church family, ready to take Holy Communion.
With advice and encouragement from church elders, in May 2013, six young people within our congregation made the decision to become members.
St Andrew’s was awarded the URC ‘Child Friendly Award’ in 2010.
Child protection and adult safe-guarding policies are in place and kept up to date, as required. There are two church members who are named ‘Child Protection Link Persons’.