Holy Week 2025

April 13th Palm Sunday Morning worship led by Mr Peter Knowles

April 17th 6pm Maundy Thursday worship led by Revd Sue McCoan

April 18th meet 9am Good Friday Walk of Witness

April 20th Easter Sunday Morning worship with Holy Communion led by Revd Sue McCoan

In Holy Week, between Palm Sunday and Easter, we are invited to reflect on the courage and love of Jesus as he walks towards the cross.

On Maundy Thursday, 17th April, at 6pm, Sue will lead us in a service of Holy Communion with readings, prayers and reflections.

Maundy Thursday is the night of the Last Supper, when Jesus, in spite of his own troubles, washed his disciples’ feet and showed them how to care for one another. The word ‘Maundy’ comes from the Latin ‘mandatum’, commandment, and is the first line of the phrase ‘A new commandment I give to you’.

On Good Friday, 18th April, we gather at St Andrew’s at 9am for coffee, hot cross buns and a prayer, before walking to St Peter’s and joining with other local churches for the Walk of Witness.  The walk ends with a short act of worship outside the church of Christ the Saviour in Ealing Broadway.

Please come along if you can, to mark this Holy season.


Read Sermons here:

1st Sunday of Lent