I am writing to thank you for the wonderful generosity which saw St Andrews host part of the
Christmas season for Ealing Churches Winter Night Shelter.
We are hugely appreciative of this gift of your building, your time and most of all your people,
which enabled us to give a better Christmas to some of Ealing’s most vulnerable, who would be on
the streets without our shelter.
Please do thank those who supported this effort, as we appreciate it is no small thing to be able to
host such a significant venture. We recognise that much time and preparation behind the scenes
is needed to enable such an undertaking to happen.
Your involvement in this way is also a huge encouragement to the team as we seek to continue to
serve, in ever challenging times.
We appreciate the continuing relationship which we enjoy with you; thank you for continuing to
walk with us as together, we seek to accompany those in Ealing who need us most.
Thank you again.
Every blessing
Jill Coombe
Trustee, Ealing Churches Winter Night Shelter