to the Church AGM 19th March 2017
2016 began with a feeling of hope and expectation. On 10 January the service was given by the Revd Sue McCoan who was ‘preaching with a view’. After the service we all had a chance to chat with Sue and her husband, Jamie, and the overwhelming impression of all present was that at last we had found a new minister. This was confirmed the following week when both Wembley Park and St Andrew’s held meeting and unanimously agreed to call Sue to be our minister and I am delighted that she accepted.
Our Lay Preachers have continued to do sterling work conducting many of the services throughout the year though we lost Tony Thomas when he and Dilys relocated to Wales. I am grateful for all the time they put in, particularly as they have to also continue to serve the wider church and often find themselves preaching every Sunday. As previously we also received support from other minsters who have come to preach when our own lay preachers are occupied elsewhere. Sue became the minister of Wembley Park and St Andrew’s in July and since then she has preached at St Andrew’s on the 1st and 3rd Sundays and at Wembley Park on the 2nd and 4th (other commitments permitting). Already she is proving to be a tower of strength and is bringing in new initiatives to keep us on our toes.
Once again I am grateful to all the help and support I receive from my fellow Elders and to those who continue to carry out the many duties that have to be done on Sundays.
Barbara Henderson
Church Secretary