Christian Unity Service Jan 15th 2023 at St Andrew’s

Every year, Christians Together in Central Ealing (CTCE) hold a joint service during the Week of Prayer for Christian
Unity (18th – 25th January). This January, the service is at St Andrew’s, led by Sue McCoan, so we are having it
on 15th Jan at 4pm to avoid clashing with the Ga-Dangme Fellowship.

The service has been prepared by the churches of Minneapolis and will explore the ways in which Christian
unity can contribute to racial justice. To quote from the CTBI (Churches Together in Britain and Ireland)
‘As we join with other Christians around the world for the Week of Prayer, we pray that our hearts will be
open to see and hear the many ways in which racism continues to destroy lives, and to discern the steps
we can take as individuals and communities to heal the hurts and build a better future for everyone.’