Lectionary Bible readings: Jeremiah 28.5-9; Psalm 89.1-4,15-18; Romans 6.12-23; Matthew 10.40-42 O God, your Spirit draws us into your presence, and so we come – drawn by love, upheld by grace – to encounter Jesus, our Saviour. We know him as our master. We know him as our friend. In him we see the Father, whose […]
21 June
Lectionary Bible readings Jeremiah 20.7-13; Psalm 69.7-10,11-15,16-18; Romans 6.1b-11; Matthew 10.24-39 Lord, you have called us to be your disciples. Thank you for trusting us with this privilege. Thank you for empowering us in the ways of service. Thank you for giving us courage when we are fearful. Thank you for your strength when we are […]
14 June
Lectionary Bible readings Exodus 19.2-8a; Psalm 100; Romans 5.1-8; Matthew 9.35-10.8(9-23) We come before you, gracious God, just as we are. We come with our weaknesses and our vulnerabilities. We come with our fears and apprehensions. We come with faith and doubt. We come to offer and receive. We come to you, the king of love […]
7 June Trinity Sunday
Lectionary Bible readings for RCL Trinity Sunday Year A Genesis 1.1–2.4a; Psalm 8; 2 Corinthians 13.11-13; Matthew 28.16-20 May the grace of the Father be with you; may the love of the Son enfold you; and may the peace of the Spirit comfort you, today and always. Amen. © ROOTS for Churches Ltd
31 May Pentecost
Lectionary Bible readings for Pentecost Acts 2.1-21; Psalm 104.24-34,35b; 1 Corinthians 12.3b-13; John 7.37-39 Holy Spirit of peace, we pray for homes and nations where there is discord and conflict. Pour out your breath of peace that people may listen to each other; may respect one another; may honour each other. Holy Spirit, hear us. […]
24 May
Lectionary Bible readings for Easter 7 Acts 1.6-14; Psalm 68.1-10,32-35; 1 Peter 4.12-14; 5.6-11; John 17.1-11 Prayer for the week: We bring before God our concerns for our world: where there is war we pray for peace; where there is sickness we pray for health; where there is despair we pray for hope. Cast all your […]
17 May
Lectionary Bible readings for Easter 6 Acts 17.22-31; Psalm 66.8-20; 1 Peter 3.13-22; John 14.15-21 Prayer for the week: Spirit of truth, come close to us. Unite us into the body of Christ. Enable us to worship God in Spirit and in truth. Help us to support and encourage each other. Help us to love as […]
10 May
Lectionary Bible readings Easter 5 Acts 7.55-60; Psalm 31.1-5,15-16; 1 Peter 2.2-10; John 14.1-14 Prayer for the week Together, Lord, we come to seek the ‘Jesus way’. May your truth fill us with wisdom to see your presence in all that we do. And may we receive new life, that we may serve you in all […]
3 May
Lectionary Bible readings for Easter 4 Acts 2.42-47; Psalm 23; 1 Peter 2.19-25; John 10.1-10 Prayer for the week: Thank you for abundant life; thank you for your generous love. Help me to love generously that others may also experience the abundance of your life. Amen. © ROOTS for Churches Ltd
26 April
Lectionary Bible readings for Easter 3 Acts 2.14a,36-41; Psalm 116.1-4,12-19; 1 Peter 1.17-23; Luke 24.13-35 Prayer for the week; Lord Jesus, as you walked on the road to Emmaus, walk with us on the roads we travel. Help us to know your presence with us, and to be your presence to others. And, at the end […]