Sermon given at St. Andrew’s Ealing 19th Aug 2018 Revd. Sue McCoan 1 Kings 2:10-12, 3:3-14 Ephesians 5:15-20 The wisdom of Solomon is legendary. It was legendary even in his own lifetime – the Queen of Sheba paid him a visit to see it with her own eyes. There is a book in the Apocrypha […]
The Bread of Life
Sermon given at St. Andrews Ealing, 5th August 2018 by the Revd Sue McCoan Psalm 78:23-29 John 6:24-35 Jesus said, ‘I am the bread of life’. Words we use often – I use them at the beginning of communion – and it’s so familiar, we can say it without really giving it much thought. Today […]
God’s healing
Sermon 1st July at St. Andrew’s Ealing, Revd Sue McCoan Mark 5: 21 – 43 There are few things more likely to grab our attention, to engage our sympathies, than the cry of a child in pain. If you’re a parent, it’s horrible to see your child ill. Even if it’s a common childhood complaint […]
July letter – Team Work
Dear Friends, We live in exciting times. This week, as I write, the headlines seem particularly dramatic: Donald Trump in Europe, Roger Federer knocked out of Wimbledon, England through to the semi-finals of the World Cup, successful cave rescue mission in Thailand, and Cabinet resignations and reshuffles over Brexit. Or, as we might summarise: In, […]
Love one another
Sermon given at St. Andrew’s Ealing 6th May 2018 by Revd. Sue McCoan 1 John 5:1-6 John 15:9-17 We talk about supporting one another in faith. But Jesus goes further than that. Jesus says, ‘Love one another’. And, further even than that, he goes on, ‘as I have loved you’. ‘Love one another’, says Jesus, […]
part 1 – The power of the wind From heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind. You know, I’m sure, that the word for Spirit in both Greek and Hebrew is the same as the word for wind, or breath. Moving air, invisible to the eye, but capable of bringing […]
New Members
On Sunday 20th May, we were delighted to welcome three people into Church Membership: Jessica, Susan and Margaret . All three have been coming to the church for a while, and it is a great joy that they have now made this deeper commitment. It was particularly appropriate that we should do this on Pentecost […]
URC Ministers’ Gathering
In April, more than 340 URC ministers gathered in Staffordshire to spend 4 days being inspired and challenged. The event replaced the annual Spring Schools run by individual synods, allowing ministers from across the entire country to meet and share. The theme for the week was Discipleship. With 2 keynote speakers – Rowan Williams, former […]
Jesus is risen – now what?
Jesus is risen – now what?. Sermon given 15th April 2018 at S. Andrew’s Ealing, Revd Susan McCoan Acts 3:12-19 Luke 24: 36b-48 A few years ago, I conducted a funeral in church for a gentleman who had been at one time a regular churchgoer but who, as his health declined, had been unable to […]
Easter Day
Easter reflection – Part 1 Today is Easter Day. It’s also, as you will know, April Fool’s Day. Anybody been April fooled? It’s become a custom for newspapers to print an April Fool story; it’s getting harder and harder for them to think of something that’s more absurd than the real news. It raises the […]