Walking the Way has produced a Bible Study resource, ‘Companions on the Way’, to help congregations explore the significance of the Emmaus story from the Gospel of Luke in our own Walk with Jesus today.On the road to Emmaus, the friends of Jesus come across something which forces them to STOP in their tracks, LOOK at what is being […]
Holy Habits Day, Saturday 22nd June
Holy Habits grew out of a study of Acts 2:42-47 by Methodist minister Andrew Roberts. He identified ten habitual practices of the early church that could help develop and enrich our discipleship today. From his study, the URC and Methodist churches have developed resources for churches wishing to pursue ‘a Spirit-filled life of discipleship that […]
Celtic Spirituality – discussion group
Discussion Group – ‘Wind of the Spirit’ Our Discussion Group is running again from Monday 20th May to Monday 1st July (no meeting on Mon 27th May). The material is ‘Wind of the Spirit’ by John Birch, based on Celtic spirituality. As with his Bible studies, which we have used before, John Birch offers plenty […]
Dear Friends: Reaching out
Dear Friends, It’s a small world. On our recent Ministers’ Spring School in Leeds, we took a day trip to Sheffield to find out about the URC team ministry there. A Church Army officer told us about city centre mission and took us on a prayer walk. Over lunch, it transpired that his wife is […]
Resurrection hope
Sermon given at St. Andrew’s URC Ealing, Sunday 21st April 2019 by Revd Sue McCoan Luke 24:1-12 We left the women in their grief and loss, keeping the Sabbath in mourning. The sabbath ends at sunset, and they can’t do anything in the dark. But their spices are prepared; they know what they have to […]
Easter Sunday sermon
Sermon given on Easter Sunday. St. Andrew’s Ealing, 21st April 2019 by Revd Sue McCoan Luke 24:1-12 We left the women in their grief and loss, keeping the Sabbath in mourning. The sabbath ends at sunset, and they can’t do anything in the dark. But their spices are prepared; they know what they have to […]
The story of Good Friday and Holy Saturday
Introduction to the Easter Sunday service, St. Andrew’s Ealing given by Revd Sue McCoan 21st April 2019 Today is a day of excitement and wonder. For us, it’s a happy day, because we know how the story unfolds, and how it’s now our story. But before we get into the celebrations, I’d like to pause, […]
Easter reflections
from the United Reformed Church https://urc.org.uk/latest-news/3040-maundy-thursday-betrayal-desertion-and-reconciliation.html https://urc.org.uk/latest-news/3037-exploring-the-emotional-impact-of-good-friday.html https://urc.org.uk/latest-news/3035-relive-the-resurrection-this-easter.html https://urc.org.uk/latest-news/3036-was-it-worth-it-a-poem-by.html and the introduction and sermon from Revd Sue McCoan, here at St. Andrew’s, from Easter Day: The story of Good Friday and Holy Saturday Easter Sunday sermon
Flower Rota
Barbara Nash has been doing a wonderful job of bringing flowers to church each week, and we are very grateful to her, and to other people who have helped from time to time. Barbara would now like to set up a rota, so that other people can take a turn in bringing flowers. You don’t […]
Finding confidence
Sermon given at St. Andrew’s, Ealing, 17th March 2019 by Revd Sue McCoan Philippians 3:17 – 4:1 Luke 13:31-35 Jesus, as you know, spent the bulk of his teaching and healing ministry in the region of Galilee, where he was brought up. Galilee is in the north of the country, and it’s a much greener, […]